bounceREHAB Principal Physiotherapists Matthew Craig and Jack Rayment, offers Shockwave Therapy using state of the art EMS Swiss Dolocast Radial Shockwave for many health benefits. See our blog for further information.
Shockwave Therapy involves the delivery of high-frequency shock waves to injured tendons, tight myofacia, soft tissues and bone interfaces to stimulate the body's natural state of healing. It can be an extremely effective useful treatment for chronic tendon conditions that have not responded well enough to conservative and medical treatments. What is Shockwave Therapy?
Typical treatment involves 3-6 sessions at weekly intervals. The probe is placed over the injured tendon (or area) and shock waves are generated to stimulate tendon healing. Each treatment session duration depends on how many body parts are required to be treated. Each specific region takes approx 5 -10 minutes to conduct and is determined once an initial physiotherapy assessment (with Matthew) is performed.
There are almost no side effects to Shockwave. Many patients find they experience mild pain or discomfort during treatment usually subsides quickly after treatment. It is advisable to avoid strenuous activity for 48 hours after treatment.
Prices are incremental with the desired duration from your presentation and may be claimable using your private health fund if prescribed by your physiotherapist or medical practitioner.

SHOCKWAVE is great for
Shockwave is one of many methods used to treat chronic tendon conditions.
Some of these conditions include;
Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)
Osteoarthritis Knee
Proximal hamstring tendinopathy
Calcific Tendonitis
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
Sports Recovery (ITB Friction Syndrome & Muscles Tears)
Scar Tissue Remodelling
Non-Union of Long Bone Fracture

Shockwave Therapy Demonstration
Heel Pain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5dibaAu7pQ
Cellulite https://youtu.be/eS6PFAx_Nz4
What Shockwave Therapy Machine is Used at bounceREHAB?
We are proud to use the best on the market. The EMS Dolorclast Radial Shockwave Machine. EMS DolorClast from Switzerland was the inventor of radial shockwave therapy and since inventing the technology have continually strived to improve the quality of their machines. The majority of research quoted and carried out on radial shockwave therapy has been conducted using EMS DolorClast machines. The Australian Physiotherapy Association only endorses this EMS Dolorclast Shockwave Protocol as it is clinically proven worldwide.
Additional Information
Form more information on Shockwave Therapy click here…
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Patient Fact Sheet on Shock Wave Therapy
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