bounceREHAB’s wholefood store stocks a range of products from healthy snacks to activewear.

Our Facilities
bounceREHAB Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio is located in the inner city village of Pyrmont - just a short walk (2km) from Sydneys CBD and is part of the Darling Harbour precinct. Easily accessible by bike, car, bus, lightrail or train.
We are located at 183 Harris Street, Pyrmont
5 comfortable, ultra professional treatment rooms - with ultrasound imaging units for core/pelvic floor physiotherapy treatments.
11 A2 Allegro Pilates Reformers - complete with jump boards, boxes, straps, balls, bands and weights.
1 Pilates Barrell by Body Balance
2 Trapeze Table (Cadillac) by Body Balance
2 Pilates Combo Chairs by Body Balance
2 Pilates Arcs by Body Balance
2 hygienic day spa like bathrooms with showers - with Bondi Wash soaps for freshening up before, during or after workouts.
Supplement Wall - leading brands such as BioCeuticals, Medlab, Metagenics, J.S Health, Designs By Health, more...
Exercise & Activewear store - with brands such as Blackroll, Lululemon, Unit 9, Theraband, Pain Pod, Infinity Heat Packs, Massage guns, more...​
Air conditioning set at 22 degrees all year round.